Zoom Chthonic Co. Crown Chakra Roller Blend

Chthonic Co. Crown Chakra Roller Blend


There are 7 major chakras, or energy sources in our body.  Each chakra represents a different part of our body and emotional well being.  Accordingly, when these chakras are balanced,  we reach a place of balance between spirit, body, earth and health, universality and grounding.   However, when any one of our chakras are out of balance, we can suffer many negative emotional and physical effects. 

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of our head and is known as the 7th Chakra.  It is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection.  If you are feeling spiritually disconnected, confused, or unusually sensitive, it may be blocked. This roller blend contains an amethyst roller ball and essential oils for balancing the crown chakra. 

Chthonic Co. Crown Chakra Roller Blend



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